Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Project 3- The Vocoder

Hey guys, this is my thrid project for music tech. In this project, i experimented with the vocoder plugin in the mixer. The idea of the vocoder is that one sound is modidified by another sound. In this case, i used an FPC drum loop as my modulator (the sound being modified) and the simsynth as my carrier (the sound that modulates the other sound). Now, i ran into quite a problem with the project because the tutorial i was watching to learn how to do use the vocoder was using an older version of FL studio and there was a section where you had to run both of the sounds into their own mixer tracks and then run both of those tracks into another mixer track. The way the guy in the video did it was he clicked on the track he wanted to run into the other track, clicked on a pull down menu at the bottom, and selected the track he wanted to run it into. However, wen i tried this, my pull down menu did not have different tracks availible. Problem!! I messed around with this for days until i finally got the idea to look this up on line, and by piecing together info from a few different tutorials, i was able to run the two tracks into the one track. As it turns out, there is a much simpler way to do this, but hey, u live and learn right? What i did was i ran the sound into separate mixer track and then into the one track (that one track holds the vocoder by the way) by making it so the individual tracks that i wanted ran only into the vocoder track instead of the master track. As it turns out, u can just run the sounds straight into the vocoder track from the step sequencer. Duh... anyway, the loop u hear at the begining is the vocoded loop, and the drum loop in the backround is the same drum loop i vocoded with the simsynth sound because i thought that it would fit the best. Enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. Good loop Josh. I'm not really hearing anything vocoded though. It sounds more like a flanger/ chorus effect to me.
