Monday, September 14, 2009

Project 1

Hey guys, this is the first project for music tech that i made, which is a drum loop. Its made up of 3 individual loops, 2 fills, and an end loop. I think that this project is a mix between the regular, old school, rock/pop drum sounds and a rap/dance kind of beat. All the loops and fills (except the last one) have a kick drum to keep the beat, which is the default kick drum sound. The first loop has tamborine, high hat (which is the default one), a snare drum, and the kick drum of course. The fill after that uses the shaker, a few tom hits, and a crash symbol. The next loop uses a ride symbol, shaker, and snare. The next fill goes back to the tamborine and high hat, but also keeps the crash symbol and toms. The last loop uses hand claps, shaker, crash symbol, and high hat. Then, last but not least, the ending loop is a simple vibra slap and wind chimes. Enjoy!!


  1. I liked it a lot, it was very cool. I think the ending was pretty neat with the wind chimes and all. It was cool how you used the tamborine and crash sounds during the main song, because i could never figure out how to use them like that, I could only put sounds like that at the end to make them work. Nice job.

  2. Hey josh, nice drum loop i like it. All the loops fit together almost perfectly. Your drum loop is way different than mine, but i like it a lot though different isn't bad. I love the ride symbol that was a nice touch. If i were you though, i would change the wind chimes and vibra slap, i dont think it really fits into the loop al that well. Over all i really liked the loop though, great job!!!

  3. Hey, nice drum loop. I liked how the first loop smoothy transitioned into the drum fill, they both really go together. I also liked the third drum part because it used the shaker and clap. It seemed like you used a panning effect on this loop too, it makes it sound cool. The second loop seems like it has too much snare drum though.

  4. Great work. I really like the third and final pattern. The hi hat work is intricate and interesting.
    Well done.

  5. Hey Josh, nice loop! I especially like the way you used the tom drum sound in your first fill, I think it contrasted the high hat in the first pattern really well because of the deeper sound. Your whole loop blended together really well, but you could still definitely hear the difference in all the pattern, which is one of the things I did wrong in my loop. I also like the combination of the vibraslap and the chimes at the end. Nice job!
