Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Project 7

Hey guys, this is my newest project which involved making my own synth sounds in sytrus. I explained how those sounds were made in previous blogs, so check those out if you are curious. So, other than those synth sounds, this loop is made up of a single drum beat, a sound called STR_Harpsy_C4 (which is a sort of mandolin kind of sound that i used for the "bass") and a nature sound that starts off the song. The loop has an a b a format, and in the b section the riff is transposed up 2 to give it a little more of an ear catching sound. The only real trouble i had with making this loop was creating a drum beat that fit because i had already made the riffs up. I overcame that by using the ghost channels and putting in the bass drum and clap sound where i thought it should go. Enjoy!!


  1. The water sounds is wicked cool. I really like the synth sounds and the madolin thing. They both sound really good. Great job!

  2. I wonder why you opted to use a preset synth for your bass? This project was about designing your own synths.
    The bass isn't really a bass anyway. It's not low enough to function as a bass. The melody synth is good, and I like the progression.
    Good use of effects on your sound. Just enough reverb and delay that doesn't overwhelm.
    I don't quite get the water sound with the chirping birds. was that in a post that I missed?

  3. I dont have a ton of time to write this, sorry. I prefer metal and industrial music, but this is definately worth listening to. I Love the synths, the intro, and in particular, the part at 0:22 seconds. Very well done.

  4. This is pretty cool. I like the nature sounds in the beginning, because they seem to go with the other sounds you used. Overall, I really like this. The only thing I'm not totally sure about it the claps, because they seem kind of out of place with the whole idea. I can see how it would be hard to find good drum sounds, though, and I don't think it sounds that bad anyway. This is really good overall, nice job.
